Sunday, January 26, 2025



The first thing I recommend before trying to sell your home (OR if your home has not sold, BEFORE putting it back on the market) is to stage your home. You may be thinking “but I can’t afford to stage my home!” Actually some of the most SIMPLE things can be done RIGHT NOW to help sell your home. Please keep in mind that while I recommend these items to be done in EVERY home BEFORE listing or BEFORE putting your home back on the market, there may be additional items I may recommend you do as well and I strongly urge you to schedule a FREE visit to discuss suggestions. We also can do a more comprehensive staging consultation – however, in most cases a basic staging consultation will be sufficient to get your home sold. 



What else can you do? De-Personalize! NO personal photos in the home. Box them up and put them away. I realize these are memories you want to keep in your home, but you are moving…remember? Have you done all of these staging tips and your home STILL has not sold? Let’s talk about why your home may not be selling! Click here to fill out a form to have me contact you OR Call/Text me to schedule a time for us to meet @ 708.268.0462. Or you can talk to me online by clicking the little red circle at the bottom right of your screen. 

I look forward to talking to you soon! 🙂

