Preferred Lenders
Here is a list of my preferred lenders. If you require special considerations, please contact me and I will guide you to the best lender. While one lender may be best for a conventional mortgage, a different lender may be better for grant funding or low income situations. I would suggest refraining from applying with multiple lenders and scope them out first to prevent your credit from being run by multiple sources.
Please don’t forget to keep your credit inquiries to a minimum before and during the home buying process. New credit inquiries can have detrimental effects on your credit. Do not go out and buy a new car right before applying for a mortgage. Even applying to finance that new television you have always wanted or getting that washer replaced can lead to issues in getting your mortgage financed. Lenders may request explanations or even deny the funding if they see any new inquiries or accounts prior to closing the loan.
Please remember that lenders are only as good as the loan officers working for them. Communication is key for a smooth closing. While you are free to choose any lender you wish, please consider how personable the particular loan officer is and how well they will communicate with you and your attorney to get the loan funded.

Tony Predey

Josh Hill

Linda Winge

Ullysses Soto

Lori Zale

William Chu
(708) 203-2258
[email protected]