Friday, February 21, 2025
Living in the AreaSchool Information

Hadley Middle School – District 33C – Homer Glen

Are you looking for a home in the Homer Township School District 33C? Are you interested in more information regarding the schools? You may have read my previous blog post about the tour I did of the  Will County School District 92, Oak Prairie Junior High. While I have not done an official tour of Hadley Middle School I am personally familiar with the education they provide. The school administration consists of  a principal, assistant principal and dean of students. The Dean of Students (a newly created role this school year) is Mr. Skube. He is doing a great job in advocating for the students. He is involved with many of the school events and offers students positive encouragement. I would advise you to schedule a tour of any school you are considering for your child before registering them. If you would like to schedule a tour of Hadley Middle School you may do so at 708.226.7725. 


Interview with Mrs. Kristen Schroeder, Principal at Hadley Middle School in Homer Glen (Homer Township District 33C):


What kind of tutoring services or learning specialists does your school provide?
  • Specialized training for Dyslexia and special needs
  • Reading Specialists / Interventionists
  • Math Specialists / Interventionists 
  • Students that qualify are invited to attend After school Academic Assistance Programs, as well as support is provided during the school day. 

Do you have any after school homework support?  We do have a homework club that parents can elect to put their children in after school for a fee. Students can also work on homework during their advisory time or during a working lunch or participate in after school Tuesdays in the library (where students can work independently to do this homework). 

What other after school activities do you offer?

  • Library Club
  • Mustang Buddies
  • STEAM Club
  • Digital Storytelling
  • Video Club
  • Coding
  • Computer Club
  • Yoga
  • Yearbook Club
  • Coding and Gaming Club
  • Chess
  • Art Club
  • Student Council
  • Drama
  • Mathletes
  • Scholastic Bowl
  • Science Club
  • Speech Squad
  • Lego Robotics
  • Weather Club
  • More clubs are added or changed to meet student interests and needs

Does the school have a program for gifted students? Yes, the discovery program (top 3-5% of student population). We also have accelerated classes for 5-8 (Top 12-15 % of the population,

Does your staff receive anti-bullying training? Yes, throughout the year 

What would you say distinguishes your school from others? Hadley provides a positive, interactive learning environment. We believe that all students can learn and we do everything we can to help students be successful. We address the individual  needs of the whole child. We love to engage parents and families in the learning process. We create events in the evening for all family members as well as others for the current student population. We provide small school feel in a large school environment. Students are not merely a number.

Our Mission is Homer 33C will provide a high quality education to prepare and empower students for success in a dynamic world.

Do you have a rule of thumb how much homework is given? 10 minutes per grade level on average of meaningful homework, not merely busy work.

How do you support children with different learning styles and needs? Differentiated Instruction in the classroom, workshops, learning centers, Problem Based Learning  Projects, ability level classes, enrichment activities, remediation activities and more 

Does learning happen outside the classroom (Field trips) If so, how many per year?  Approximately 2 per year, but is dependent on what students are learning and how the outside (authentic) experience can positively impact student learning.  

Do teachers in the same grade collaborate on a curriculum? Yes, one or more times per week. Often teachers meet daily. There are common plan times for teams. Teachers meet in departments, grade level teams and micro teams ( cross curricular teams) 

Do you utilize online textbooks or traditional textbooks? Both! We use online, interactive textbooks, however we do still incorporate written text as well. We also incorporate interactive science notebooks and google classroom.

What professional development opportunities do teachers have? In what ways do teachers collaborate? We believe that staff needs to learn, just like our students do. that is how we are able to continue to change to meet the ever changing needs of our students. We have monthly professional development. Staff receive differentiated professional development and breakout training sessions on a monthly basis. They can also take off site training.

Teachers collaborate daily. They plan together, participate in department, team and grade level meetings. We follow a PLC model.  Our school leadership team plans assesses teachers needs and plans a variety of professional development opportunities for our staff.


Additional information can be gathered on their website by clicking here.

Are you looking for a home in school District 33c in Homer Township? Call or text me at 708-268-0462 or Click Here for more information on buying a home. 

I look forward to helping you with all of your Real Estate needs.