Thursday, March 6, 2025
Real Estate Ramblings

William J. Butler Elementary – District 33c – Homer Glen


William J. Butler Elementary in Homer Glen houses approximately 500 students in grades 1st through 4th. In the past the school also had Kindergarten students.  But in 2015, when the school board began to offer full day Kindergarten, William J. Butler did not have the space to accommodate the amount of incoming Kindergarten students.  All Kindergarten students in the district now attend Luther J. Schilling Elementary in Homer Glen. 

I have personal experience with William J. Butler Elementary School and can say they try to incorporate family involvement in learning. They offer art classes taught by “art parents”, many volunteer opportunities for parents to be in the classrooms, many school performances to show off your child’s skills, teacher conferences and room parties. A parents involvement in school is known to create success in the child’s education. Below you will find a short interview with principal, Dr. Melissa Onesto.

Interview with Dr. Melissa Onesto, Principal at William J. Butler Elementary in Lockport (Homer School District 33C)

What kind of tutoring services or learning specialists does your school provide?

We have 2 reading specialists and 2 instructional paraprofessionals. We do not offer tutoring. We have ASAP for 3rd and 4th grade based upon student performance on common assessments. 

Does the school have a program for gifted students?

Yes- The Discovery program and it is for students from all District elementary schools.

Does your staff receive anti-bullying training?

Yes, every year.

What is your school’s disciplinary stats?

We do not have many discipline matters. At least, not from the principal’s end.

What would you say distinguishes your school from others?

The climate is good! The front office is friendly! We have a great PTO and dedicated teachers. Most of all, we have a great family and community feel.

Do you have a rule of thumb how much homework is given?

Every grade level is different. Teachers do not give too much.

How do you support children with different learning styles and needs?

We have been trained in differentiated instruction for the past three years. Next year is year 4. Every child is different. Activities are differentiated based upon student needs.

Does learning happen outside the classroom (Field trips) If so, how many per year?

Each grade level has 1 per year. We have a lot of assemblies.

Do you have any after school homework support?

Not at this time.

What other after school activities do you offer?

Chess club, Young Rembrandts, Explorers.

Do teachers in the same grade collaborate on a curriculum?


Do you utilize online textbooks or traditional text books?

The Wonders curriculum is online in some parts. Reading A to Z is online. My math is a text book but many teachers supplement.

What professional development opportunities do teachers have? In what ways do teachers collaborate?

Teachers attend workshops-1 per year. Butler has collaborated with teachers at other buildings. Teachers collaborate as much as possible and always on Mondays when we get recess coverage.

Are you looking for a home in school District 33c in Homer Township? Call or text me at 708-268-0462 or Click Here for more information on buying a home. 

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