Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Real Estate Ramblings

Frankfort School District 157C

Today I’m talking about Frankfort School District 157 C. Make sure you stay tuned to the end because I’m going to show you the top subdivisions in Frankfort organized by price ranges. This was based on the amount of closed homes in the last 12 months. Let’s get started! If this is your first time visiting my blog, my name is Kerri Jonikas and I’m a Realtor in Chicago’s Southwest Suburbs. Pleas  consider subscribing to my blog. I post new articles every Monday and I wouldn’t want you to miss out. 

Frankfort School District 157 C has three schools. Grand Prairie is located at 10480 Nebraska. It is for grades early childhood through second grade. Chelsea Intermediate School is located
at 22012-22297 S. 80th Avenue. It is for grades 3rd, 4th and 5th and Hickory Creek Middle School is located at 22150 116th Avenue. It is for grades 6th, 7th and 8th. has rated these schools anywhere from a nine to a ten.

Homes in the Frankfort School District 157 C range from $165,000 up to 3 million. Let’s take a look at some of the subdivisions first. We’re going to look at homes between 200 and 250 thousand. Then we’re going to look at 250 to 300 thousand, and then we’ll look three hundred to four hundred thousand, four hundred to five hundred thousand, five hundred to six hundred thousand, and
six hundred to seven hundred thousand.

Let’s take a look at the subdivisions that are in the 200 to 250 thousand dollar range. Connecticut Hills is located west of LaGrange Road and North of Route 30. It is near the Hickory Creek Preserve. It is conveniently located. Route 30 has tons of stores, you have Mariano’s, Starbucks, you have the restaurant Dancin’ Marlin around there. You are close to Lincoln Way East High School. Close to the grade schools, great location.

Frankfort Square subdivision is located west of Harlem Avenue. Here’s Harlem, now here’s the Frankfort Square subdivision. It is conveniently located. Also it’s near LaGrange Road, which has lots of shopping. There’s the Emagine Frankfort Theater, which is absolutely wonderful. If you have not been there it has a beautiful bar area in it and youcan order food that can be brought to you while you’re watching the movie and of course they have the great seats where you can recline back and get nice and comfortable.

For 250 to 300 thousand we have Brookside which is located just East, a little bit right off of Elsner and it is a little West of Lagrange Road. A little South of Route 30. Route 30 has just tons of stuff, a candy shop, they’ve got a Jewel, there’s Mariano’s near here, there’s a Starbucks, Panera, Kohl’s, basically anything, any type of shopping that you would really want, you’ve got a Meijer,
Not too far to gas stations and near schools. As far as traveling, you are near Route 45 and route 30 which you could take either Route 45 or Route 30 to get onto 80 and this is where 80 and 355 come in at these little sections right here. So that’s great for traveling if you need to travel for work and also you’d easily could get to 57 as well.

Now we’re looking at the Chelsea subdivision in the 250 to 300 thousand range. The Chelsea subdivision is located right over here. It’s a really small little subdivision. We are still near Route 45 and Route 30, which makes it easy to get onto I-80 or 57, you are really close being on LaGrange Road. You can get to I-80, Lagrange Road has tons of shopping and Route 30 has tons of shopping. So it’s a really great location. Near forest preserves where you could go hiking.

For $300-400,000 we have homestead Lakeview estates, and Prestwick. The homestead subdivision is located just west of LaGrange Road and South of Laraway. It is definitely conveniently located near the middle school. So very close to the schools and definitely lots of shopping. The Lake View Estates subdivision is located a little South of Laraway Road and it’s a little West of 80th Avenue, just right off of 80th Avenue and Laraway.  It’s a fairly large subdivision, it’s located very conveniently to the Frankfort splash pad which is pretty neat, it’s near the elementary school, very very close to the elementary school, which is helpful if you have children and still located near shopping. If you’re looking for information on how you would get onto an expressway in relation to the subdivision, you can either get on to 57, you just would head east on Sauk Trail to get to 57 to get on or you can head up Harlem and get on Route 30, depending on where you’re going.You can get to Route 45, which then would get you to 80 and you can see 80 is more up in this direction but either way you can either jump on 57 to get to 80 if you want to, get to 80, or you can jump on 30 to 45 to 80. So it’s nice that there’s different ways that you can use to get to where you’re going, instead of just having one way, if there’s just too much traffic you have no choice. In this case you have
plenty of choices you can go in many different directions to decide which way you will get to where you’re going.

For $400,000-$500,000 we have Timbers Edge and Yankee Ridge. The Timbers Edge Subdivision is located west of Harlem, a little south of Laraway but North of Steger Road and as you can see here we are again located  where you could get to 57 if you’re looking for highway access or route 30, route 45 near all of those to where you could get to 80 and then 355 which makes it very convenient. If you are trying to travel either to the city or where you’re traveling for work, it might be important that you’re near Expressway access and you are definitely conveniently located to be able to get onto the expressways. Located near shopping.

Yankee Ridge subdivision is located right in this area here.  It is located South of Route 30 and a little west of Cedar Lane and as you can see it is definitely located near plenty of
shopping right off of Route 30, which has unbelievable amounts of you know food, shopping. it’s also close to the Forest Preserve so you could do a lot of hiking.
As far as transportation, you’re looking you’re near route 45, which could get you easily to 80 or you could take Route 30 to get on to 80 and 55 as you can see up in this corner over here, this is where 80 and 355 come in and then this is over in this area where the subdivision is. Or you know you could take Route 45 here go up to 80 and then over, whichever works best for you,
you would have to look at the traffic during the day to see what is the best times and where you’re going, if it would make sense.

For 500 to 600 thousand we have Brook Meadow, Lake View Estates, and Timbers Edge. Brook Meadow Estates is located west of Wolf Road and North of Laraway Road right in here and it is near the Hickory Creek Middle School, so you’re near the schools. Still you’re in great location for shopping, and as far as transportation, you are near Lagrange Road or Route 30, which then could get you to, let’s scroll out, if you were to take Route 30, you could get onto 80 and this is where 80 and 355 join in. Or you could then just go over to route 45 and  get to 80 depending on where you’re traveling to.You could also very easily get to 57.

For 600 to 700 thousand, we have Cobblestone and Sarah Springs. The Cobblestone subdivision is just off of Owens Road, just a little bit west of it. South of Laraway and North of Steger Road. Conveniently located near route 45. So you would be able to easily get on the expressways for traveling, so you take 45 or 30, to get to 57, or 80 to get to 355 and also then you would be able to get
to 55. So conveniently located for transportation, near schools. Sarah Springs subdivision is right off of Route 45 a little North of Steger Road and a little South of Laraway Road. So we are located obviously you could get on to route 45 as far as transportation to get up to I-80. This one is a little bit more of a distance from getting to -80 but we are still located near 57 and then you could then get to 80 and 355. This area right here is where 80 and 355 joins. If you would like a list of current active properties in one of these subdivisions please text me at 708-268-0462 with hashtag Frankfort 157 C and I will be happy to send you over a list of properties in the subdivisions within the 157 C School District.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope to see YOU next week!