Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Real Estate Ramblings

Homer 33C School District/Homer Glen Schools

Today I’m talking about Homer 33c school district and Homer Glen schools. Welcome to my website! If this is your first time visiting please consider subscribing so you are notified of any new articles that I post.  I post new articles every Monday about all things real estate and super fun local information and I wouldn’t want you to miss out.

Homer 33c school district has a total of six schools located throughout Homer Glen which is not including the highschool. Homer Glen has been rated as one of the safe cities in Illinois for several years making it an attractive place to live. I am going to talk about all the schools in Homer 33c School District. Stay tuned to the end of this article for some helpful information about
moving to Homer Glen.

In Homer Glen there are four elementary grade schools, one middle school, one junior high and of course the high school. The first elementary school I’m going to talk about is Goodings Grove, located at 12914 west 143rd Street in Homer Glen. It is for grades 1st through 4th with approximately 370 students. Greatschools.org has rated Goodings Grove  a 7 out of 10.

The next elementary school I’m going to talk about is Luther J Schilling located at 16025 Cedar Road in Homer Glen. This is the only school in the district with a kindergarten. It is for grades kindergarten through 4th grade with approximately 689 students. Greatschools.org has rated Luther J Schilling a  out of 10.

The next elementary school I’m going to talk about is William Young school located at 16040 Cedar Road in Homer Glen. It is for grades 1st through 4th with approximately 474 students. Great schools.org has rated William Young a nine out of ten.

The next elementary school I’m going to talk about is William J Butler school located at 1900 Farrell Road in Lockport. It is for grades 1st through 4th five hundred and twelve students. Greatschools.org has rated William J Butler a seven out of ten.

The next school I’m going to talk about is the middle school. All of the elementary school children from William E. Young, William J Butler, Goodings Grove, Luther J shilling, all attend the middle school. The middle school is Hadley Middle School. Hadley Middle School is located at 15731  Bell Road in Homer Glen. It is for grades fifth and sixth with approximately 850 for students. Greatschools.org rated them a nine out of 10.

The next school I’m going to talk about is the junior high. The same for the middle school as the junior high, the junior high educates children from all the surrounding Homer Glen elementary schools. Homer Junior High is located right next door to Hadley Middle School at 15711 Bell Road in Homer Glen. It is for grades 7th and 8th with approximately 823 students and great
schools.org has rated Homer Junior High a nine out of ten.

Now for a little real estate information there’s two ways to be able to go to Homer 33c schools. You can purchase a home with a Homer Glen address in Homer Township or you can purchase a home with a Lockport address in the 33 C school district in Homer Township. The average sales price in Homer Glen is$340,000. The average sales price in Lockport with a lock port address but in
the 33 C school district area is $329,000. You may recall a video I did about the Lockport real estate market. The average sales price was 249 for 2018. That number did not take into an account a specific School District so you can see that if you want to be in the homer 33c school district, the average price of the homes are significantly higher in Homer Glen. You may be questioning okay well where are the boundary lines since it the towns are so close together but yet it seems like they’re just so divided. Well there are many maps online that you can find. However I suggest that you consult with the district that you’re considering on moving to confirm the district, because sometimes the boundary lines can  change and you never know the school may be even considering a boundary change that have they haven’t even even released that to the public yet. So you want to make sure that whoever you work with it whatever Realtor is telling you that they are in that school
district. If you are considering purchasing a home and you want to be in that school district, that is your number one reason why you’re moving there ..Call the district and verify that you are going to be in that boundary. I hope this information was helpful for you. If you are interested in a list of homes AVAILABLE now in Homer 33C School District please contact me 708-268-0462 Call/Text and I can send you over a detailed list that is CURRENT. Thank you so much for stopping by and I will see you next week!