Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Real Estate Ramblings

Tips to Make Preparing to Move with Kids a Breeze

Moving is something we look at with a lot of excitement and a fair amount of dread. And moving with kids presents another whole set of circumstances to take into consideration. The following tips might just help make that move just a little easier for everyone. 

Your First Contact

Your best friend in any move is always your real estate agent. They can help you search for the home that suits your needs in an area that will make the whole family happy. They can introduce you to mortgage lenders and local service providers. When you have a qualified real estate agent working with you, you’ve made the job of moving that much easier. 

If you’re buying or selling in the Chicago, Illinois, area, contact Kerri Jonikas at Home Smart Realty Group

Learning About Your New City

Take the family with you on a reconnaissance tour before the move. That way, you’ll be eliminating a source of anxiety for them, the fear of the unknown. Look at the area you’ll be moving to like a tourist, taking in all the things that make it fun. 

If you already know the town you’re moving to, check out the kids’ schools, playgrounds, library, and whatever they feel is important to them, even if it’s just the nearest place to get a good taco!

Look for old friends to connect with before moving there. They can help ease you into your new city. They may even be able to help you find just the right neighborhood if you haven’t yet decided. This tool can help you find old schoolmates and let you connect with those friends through the website.

The Move

While moving yourself certainly has its pros, hiring movers will take a lot of stress and effort out of your move. You’ll be leaving all the heavy lifting to the professionals, literally. And, the moving company is under contract to deliver its services efficiently and on time. Get at least three quotes, and research the companies you’ve selected, checking their reviews online.

Create a master to-do list. Don’t let all these tasks and important reminders, no matter how seemingly obvious, slip your mind. Write them down somewhere. Put them in the Notes app on your phone, in a professional organizer, or go old-school with a giant yellow legal pad.

Decide what you really need to move and what will cost more to move than to replace in your new city. 

Schedule a yard sale, and as you start going through your belongings, stick a price tag on them and sort them into different categories for your sale. Then, box and label them. Liquor store boxes are sturdy and free and the owners are always more than happy for you to take them. Then donate whatever you don’t sell or pack. 

Keep your kids busy with the new Two Men and a Truck interactive video game, Mini Mover Mania! There are no in-app purchases necessary for this app – just gaming skills to help you complete the journey! This game is now available for download in Google Play, the App Store, and the Amazon App Store. 

Once You’ve Arrived

If you haven’t purchased a home yet, if you’re still looking, or if you’re waiting to see if your new job and city are the best for your family, you may have decided renting first is your best option. 

This might mean a smaller place, so check out storage facilities ahead of time. That way, your mover can bring the belongings you want to be stored directly there. 

Rent.com offers tips and resources that can help make your move to a rental home or apartment a lot less stressful. 

Everyone will be tired from the move, so schedule some relaxing time the first night. Let the kids pick out some movies to stream and order pizza or whatever you can eat on a paper plate. 

Following some tried-and-true recommendations, like calling a real estate agent first and contacting old friends to help you connect with your new city, can make it feel a lot less scary. 

Finding the right mover, packing only what you need, and taking advantage of resources like online apps and games to keep the kids occupied and busy are important tips to keep your move manageable. 

And don’t forget to take your time and go slow. No one says it all has to be perfect right away. It only needs to be comfortable and happy, the rest will take care of itself in time.